Pokalbių šou, informacinės ir pramoginės laidos, kultūra ir dokumentika.
23:00 | Random Access Memory (Оперативная память), Istorinis, Čekija, 2020 О судьбе русских и советских немцев на территории России. О том, как они сохраняют немецкий язык и связь с родной культурой, какой уклад жизни и религию исповедуют, проживая в географически удаленных от крупных городов пунктах. |
23:30 | DW #InTrendDe (DW), Vokietija Интервью с известными политиками, интеллектуалами, общественными деятелями из России, Европы и США. |
00:00 | Unknown Russia (Неизвестная Россия), Biografinis, Rusija Talk show focusing on the days' events and featuring live interviews with key figures in the news, in culture, and in current events. |
00:30 | Emigrants (Эмигранты), Biografinis Следы тех, кому довелось стать пражанами сто лет назад, едва различимы на карте города, но всё же они остались. Журналист Владимир Раевский до войны снимал фильмы об истории Москвы и России, а 24 февраля 2022 года сам стал эмигрантом. С тех пор его взгляд на города и их историю преобразился. |
01:00 | Newsday (Итоги) Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне. |
01:30 | Details (Детали), Rusija From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC. |
02:00 | #InUkraine (#вУкраине), Biografinis, Ukraina Programs that familiarize the viewer with unique people, show places and events that are little known even in Ukraine itself. |
02:30 | Crossroad (Перекресток), Rusija The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up. |
03:00 | Writing with Fire (Writing with Fire), Indija, 2021 In a cluttered news landscape dominated by men, emerges India's only newspaper run by Dalit women. Chief Reporter Meera and her journalists break traditions, redefining what it means to be powerful. |
05:00 | Person on the Map (Человек на карте), Rusija, 2022 This weekly half hour documentary tells the stories about people who live in the modern Russian province. |
05:30 | Emigrants (Эмигранты), Biografinis Следы тех, кому довелось стать пражанами сто лет назад, едва различимы на карте города, но всё же они остались. Журналист Владимир Раевский до войны снимал фильмы об истории Москвы и России, а 24 февраля 2022 года сам стал эмигрантом. С тех пор его взгляд на города и их историю преобразился. |
06:00 | Newsday (Итоги) Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне. |
06:30 | Details (Детали), Rusija From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC. |
07:00 | Ahead of their Time (Опережая время), Rusija Wearables were turned from a fantasy idea to reality through pioneers like Garmin and its devices for athletes, and Fitbit who led the consumer health movement that would take over our wrists. (Ahead of their Time: Fitbit & Garmin) + Dairy is no longer your only choice when it comes to milk, all thanks for Vitasoy who first made soy milk for refugees, and Rude Health who created the health foods brand taking the UK by storm. |
08:00 | Snegovskaya Plus, Karinis Этого фильма могло и не быть, потому что об этом почти не говорят даже в независимых СМИ. Недавно журналистка Настоящего Времени Ирина Снеговская опубликовала ироничное стихотворение о матери, которая предлагает сыну вступить в ряды ЧВК, потому что у сына много кредитов и он остался без работы. Под роликом с этим стихотворением появился комментарий: "Где вы видели мать, которая хотела бы отправить своего ребенка на войну?". Далее произошло неожиданное: в ответ на этот комментарий многие стали писать, что столкнулись с ситуацией, описанной в стихотворении. Тогда мы связались с людьми, которые либо оказались непосредственными участниками событий, либо невольными свидетелями семейной драмы. Мы хотим рассказать эти истории вам. |
08:30 | Main figures (Главные фигуры), Rusija Like a game of chess, Russian President Vladimir Putin's inner circle moves pieces across the board to shape the country's political regime and military actions. But who are these key players, and what motivates their moves? 'Power Play: Inside Putin's Inner Circle,' a joint production of Current Time and The Insider, takes you behind the scenes to explore the shadowy world of Putin's closest advisors and their strategic moves. |
09:00 | Crimea. Realities (Крым. Реалии), Ukraina The program features news and stories of life in the Crimea under an increasingly authoritarian rule. |
09:30 | Come Visit Us! (Ждём в гости), Rusija, Čekija Travel and food show with Zurab Dvali. |
10:00 | Almost Grown-Ups (Почти взрослые) Real Cinema with Vitaly Mansky |
12:00 | Ahead of their Time (Опережая время), Rusija Wearables were turned from a fantasy idea to reality through pioneers like Garmin and its devices for athletes, and Fitbit who led the consumer health movement that would take over our wrists. (Ahead of their Time: Fitbit & Garmin) + Dairy is no longer your only choice when it comes to milk, all thanks for Vitasoy who first made soy milk for refugees, and Rude Health who created the health foods brand taking the UK by storm. |
13:00 | Reporter (Репортер), Rusija DW's on-the-ground reporters are always close to the action, be it covering international events or zooming in on some of the quirks of daily life. Camera always in hand, they report on the changes they see taking place in Germany, Europe and around the world. |
13:15 | Look Both Ways (Смотри в оба), Rusija The project about news and those who make this news. About fakes and sensations, about involuntary mistakes and conscious manipulations. We search for information from different sources, compare and present it to your judgment. |
13:30 | Tomorrow Today (Будущее сегодня), Rusija The Science Magazine. |
14:00 | Facets of Time (Грани времени), Rusija Results of the week with Mumin Shakirov. |
15:00 | Almost Grown-Ups (Почти взрослые) Real Cinema with Vitaly Mansky |
17:00 | You Have the Right (Человек имеет право), Rusija Professionals and non-professionals discuss human rights and human interests issues, important for everyone. You Have the Right with Maryana Torocheshnikova. |
18:00 | Signs of Life (Признаки жизни), Rusija A weekly half hour documentary series profiling people and events that are making a difference in fighting despotism and corruption in Russia. |
18:30 | Dangerous Neighborhood (Опасное соседство) Весной 2025 года Китай начнет военную операцию по захвату Тайваня. Таков сценарий экшн-сериала "Zero Day", который выйдет в эфир через несколько месяцев. Он отражает реальные страхи жителей Тайваня - последние 70 лет они живут в ожидании реального вторжения. КНР регулярно проводит крупные военные учения в Тайваньском проливе и не скрывает желания сделать Тайвань своей провинцией (исторически Пекин считает Тайвань своей территорией).На самом Тайване всё больше людей отказываются признавать себя частью материкового Китая. Как обычные люди и власти Тайваня готовятся к возможной войне? Как на планы военные Пекина может повлиять исход войны в Украине? Почему микрочипы защищают Тайвань надежнее, чем ракеты? Может ли в конфликте КНР и Тайваня появиться свой \"Крымский вопрос\"? Мы побывали на Тайване, чтобы разобраться, может ли художественный сериал "Zero Day" стать пророческим, а военное вторжение стать реальностью? Новая серия проекта \"Опасное соседство\". |
19:00 | Real Talk (Реальный разговор) A weekly program about the realities of our days, whether it be politics, economics or public discourse about culture, upbringing, education. |
19:30 | European values: Working with emergency housing (Европейские ценности) Мы хотим узнать и показать, как стране может заботиться о пожилых людях, как возможно дать людям более долгую счастливую красивую жизнь даже без сверхвысоких пенсий. Для этого мы посмотрим как живут, что делают и что имеют долгожители Италии, от столицы до глубокой провинции. |
20:00 | Newsday (Итоги) Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне. |
20:30 | New-York, New-York (Нью-Йорк, New York), Rusija From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC. |
21:00 | Time of Ch. (Время Ч), Karinis, Rusija Румыния, 30 лет назад. Антикоммунистические протесты. Позже их назовут самыми кровопролитными в Европе: в течение двух недель погибнут 1200 человек. Будут казнены президент страны и его жена - Николае и Елена Чаушеску.Андрей Цыганов снял документальный фильм о тех событиях. |
22:00 | Random Access Memory (Оперативная память), Istorinis, Čekija Один из самых жёстких политических режимов Европы был уничтожен народным восстанием буквально в течение нескольких суток. Но что происходит со страной, которая внезапно обрела свободу? Как построить демократию в государстве, где десятилетиями уничтожалась любое свободомыслие? |
23:00 | System (Система) Паника скоро закончилась: ее официально признали ИПСО - информационно-психологической операцией российских спецслужб. Проект "Система" выяснил, что за распространением "меточной паники" стоял российский политтехнолог Игорь "Берег" Мангушев, известный своим выступлением с черепом украинского военного и убитый в оккупированном Стаханове. |
23:30 | Crossroad (Перекресток), Rusija The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up. |
00:00 | Signs of Life (Признаки жизни) A weekly half hour documentary series profiling people and events that are making a difference in fighting despotism and corruption in Russia. |
00:30 | Real Talk (Реальный разговор) A weekly program about the realities of our days, whether it be politics, economics or public discourse about culture, upbringing, education. |
01:00 | Newsday (Итоги) Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне. |
01:30 | New-York, New-York (Нью-Йорк, New York), Rusija From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC. |
02:00 | European values: Working with emergency housing (Европейские ценности) Мы хотим узнать и показать, как стране может заботиться о пожилых людях, как возможно дать людям более долгую счастливую красивую жизнь даже без сверхвысоких пенсий. Для этого мы посмотрим как живут, что делают и что имеют долгожители Италии, от столицы до глубокой провинции. |
02:30 | Made in Germany (Сделано в Германии) In a rapidly changing world, MADE in Germany examines the risks and benefits of digitalization and its impact on the way we work, what we earn and how we live. The program also investigates the ethics of business, and showcases young entrepreneurs who are redefining the workplace. Instead of just crunching the numbers, MADE delves deeper into issues and also explores the emotional side to stories. |
03:00 | Time of Ch. (Время Ч), Karinis, Rusija Румыния, 30 лет назад. Антикоммунистические протесты. Позже их назовут самыми кровопролитными в Европе: в течение двух недель погибнут 1200 человек. Будут казнены президент страны и его жена - Николае и Елена Чаушеску.Андрей Цыганов снял документальный фильм о тех событиях. |
04:00 | Random Access Memory (Оперативная память), Istorinis, Čekija Один из самых жёстких политических режимов Европы был уничтожен народным восстанием буквально в течение нескольких суток. Но что происходит со страной, которая внезапно обрела свободу? Как построить демократию в государстве, где десятилетиями уничтожалась любое свободомыслие? |
05:00 | Signs of Life (Признаки жизни) A weekly half hour documentary series profiling people and events that are making a difference in fighting despotism and corruption in Russia. |
05:30 | Real Talk (Реальный разговор) A weekly program about the realities of our days, whether it be politics, economics or public discourse about culture, upbringing, education. |
06:00 | Newsday (Итоги) Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне. |
06:30 | New-York, New-York (Нью-Йорк, New York), Rusija From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC. |
07:00 | Photo diary (Фотодневник) Военный фотограф Дэвид Пратт отправляется в зоны конфликтов, где он сделал самые яркие снимки за свою сорокалетнюю карьеру. Дэвид посетит Ирак, Афганистан и Балканы, чтобы рассказать о войнах недалекого прошлого, узнать о произошедших переменах и поделиться особенностями работы фотокорреспондентом в зоне боевых действий. |
08:00 | Time of Ch. (Время Ч), Karinis, Rusija Румыния, 30 лет назад. Антикоммунистические протесты. Позже их назовут самыми кровопролитными в Европе: в течение двух недель погибнут 1200 человек. Будут казнены президент страны и его жена - Николае и Елена Чаушеску.Андрей Цыганов снял документальный фильм о тех событиях. |
09:00 | Random Access Memory (Оперативная память), Istorinis, Čekija Один из самых жёстких политических режимов Европы был уничтожен народным восстанием буквально в течение нескольких суток. Но что происходит со страной, которая внезапно обрела свободу? Как построить демократию в государстве, где десятилетиями уничтожалась любое свободомыслие? |
09:30 | News. Asia (Новости. Азия), Rusija Live news covering Central Asia. |
09:35 | Interview (Интервью), Biografinis, Rusija Роберт Шлегель - российский политический и общественный деятель немецкого происхождения. |
10:00 | Morning (Утро), Ukraina The main news, the main events of the upcoming day, the most important topics for discussion - on the morning broadcasts every day. |
10:30 | Signs of Life (Признаки жизни) A weekly half hour documentary series profiling people and events that are making a difference in fighting despotism and corruption in Russia. |
11:00 | European values: Working with emergency housing (Европейские ценности) Мы хотим узнать и показать, как стране может заботиться о пожилых людях, как возможно дать людям более долгую счастливую красивую жизнь даже без сверхвысоких пенсий. Для этого мы посмотрим как живут, что делают и что имеют долгожители Италии, от столицы до глубокой провинции. |
11:30 | Journalist's Cookbook: Alexander Bortnikov (Поваренная книга журналиста), Biografinis а также как защищать информацию и какие протоколы использовать для личной безопасности. |
11:45 | Look Both Ways (Смотри в оба), Rusija The project about news and those who make this news. About fakes and sensations, about involuntary mistakes and conscious manipulations. We search for information from different sources, compare and present it to your judgment. |
12:00 | Photo diary (Фотодневник) Военный фотограф Дэвид Пратт отправляется в зоны конфликтов, где он сделал самые яркие снимки за свою сорокалетнюю карьеру. Дэвид посетит Ирак, Афганистан и Балканы, чтобы рассказать о войнах недалекого прошлого, узнать о произошедших переменах и поделиться особенностями работы фотокорреспондентом в зоне боевых действий. |
13:00 | You Have the Right (Человек имеет право), Rusija Professionals and non-professionals discuss human rights and human interests issues, important for everyone. You Have the Right with Maryana Torocheshnikova. |
14:00 | Asia 360 (Asia 360) Asia 360 is the author's project of Adilet Bektursunov. This is a series of documentaries about mysterious cities and unknown places of Central Asia. We show their past and present, traditions, culture and morals in the format of 360 degrees. Adilet Bektursunov as author and producer of the series produces 2 programs on a monthly basis (including full production cycle starting with negotiating of the topic for each episode, producing including planning, negotiations with potential characters, filming, editing, voice-over recording and preparing a clean version of each program). The author is responsible to provide an audio-visual product that complies with the technical, ethic and editorial standards of the Current Time TV channel and strictly obligated to follow the instructions given by Current Time TV managers. |
14:30 | Dangerous Neighborhood (Опасное соседство) Весной 2025 года Китай начнет военную операцию по захвату Тайваня. Таков сценарий экшн-сериала "Zero Day", который выйдет в эфир через несколько месяцев. Он отражает реальные страхи жителей Тайваня - последние 70 лет они живут в ожидании реального вторжения. КНР регулярно проводит крупные военные учения в Тайваньском проливе и не скрывает желания сделать Тайвань своей провинцией (исторически Пекин считает Тайвань своей территорией).На самом Тайване всё больше людей отказываются признавать себя частью материкового Китая. Как обычные люди и власти Тайваня готовятся к возможной войне? Как на планы военные Пекина может повлиять исход войны в Украине? Почему микрочипы защищают Тайвань надежнее, чем ракеты? Может ли в конфликте КНР и Тайваня появиться свой \"Крымский вопрос\"? Мы побывали на Тайване, чтобы разобраться, может ли художественный сериал "Zero Day" стать пророческим, а военное вторжение стать реальностью? Новая серия проекта \"Опасное соседство\". |
15:00 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
15:30 | Time of Ch. (Время Ч), Karinis, Rusija Румыния, 30 лет назад. Антикоммунистические протесты. Позже их назовут самыми кровопролитными в Европе: в течение двух недель погибнут 1200 человек. Будут казнены президент страны и его жена - Николае и Елена Чаушеску.Андрей Цыганов снял документальный фильм о тех событиях. |
16:30 | Random Access Memory (Оперативная память), Istorinis, Čekija Один из самых жёстких политических режимов Европы был уничтожен народным восстанием буквально в течение нескольких суток. Но что происходит со страной, которая внезапно обрела свободу? Как построить демократию в государстве, где десятилетиями уничтожалась любое свободомыслие? |
17:00 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
17:30 | Main figures (Главные фигуры), Rusija Like a game of chess, Russian President Vladimir Putin's inner circle moves pieces across the board to shape the country's political regime and military actions. But who are these key players, and what motivates their moves? 'Power Play: Inside Putin's Inner Circle,' a joint production of Current Time and The Insider, takes you behind the scenes to explore the shadowy world of Putin's closest advisors and their strategic moves. |
17:45 | Look Both Ways (Смотри в оба), Rusija The project about news and those who make this news. About fakes and sensations, about involuntary mistakes and conscious manipulations. We search for information from different sources, compare and present it to your judgment. |
18:00 | Evening (Вечер), Rusija Daily information and analytical live program from the Current time studio in Prague. |
19:00 | #InUkraine (#вУкраине), Biografinis, Ukraina Programs that familiarize the viewer with unique people, show places and events that are little known even in Ukraine itself. |
19:30 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
20:00 | America (Америка) From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC, international news for Russian speakers plus news from the United States, including business and entertainment news. |
21:00 | A Family Affair (A Family Affair), Olandija, Danija, Pietų Afrika, 2015 There is a city in China called Yiwu, that has more than 600 Christmas factories, in which Christmas as we know it is produced for the entire world. This film is a portrait of Yiwu and its workers. A true Christmas fairy tale for grownups. |
23:00 | Face the Event (Лицом к событию) A live, one hour, talk show from our Moscow bureau focusing on the key issues and news events of the day. |
23:30 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
00:00 | Evening (Вечер), Rusija Daily information and analytical live program from the Current time studio in Prague. |
01:00 | America (Америка) From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC, international news for Russian speakers plus news from the United States, including business and entertainment news. |
02:00 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
02:30 | Global Us: What connects us all (Global Us), Biografinis, Vokietija Global Us provides unexpected insights and exemplary solutions - it offers perspectives for a rapidly changing world. The focus is on people - those who want change, drive it forward and inspire others. |
03:00 | A Family Affair (A Family Affair), Olandija, Danija, Pietų Afrika, 2015 There is a city in China called Yiwu, that has more than 600 Christmas factories, in which Christmas as we know it is produced for the entire world. This film is a portrait of Yiwu and its workers. A true Christmas fairy tale for grownups. |
05:00 | We Can Explain (Можем объяснить) "Let Us Explain" is a weekly analytical show from a team of famous journalistic project of the same name. Exclusive investigations, prominent guests and uncomfortable topics from the field of Russian politics. |
05:30 | #InUkraine (#вУкраине), Biografinis, Ukraina Programs that familiarize the viewer with unique people, show places and events that are little known even in Ukraine itself. |
06:00 | Facets of Time (Грани времени), Rusija Results of the week with Mumin Shakirov. |
07:00 | The Gates of hell (Врата преисподней) Путешествие в самые смертоносные уголки мира, где ежедневная борьба за выживание является нормой. Сериал ведет нас вглубь скрытых миров: эксплуатация детей бандами в Колумбии, убийства женщин в Мексике, бизнес в тени мафии в Неаполе, жизнь гомосексуалиста в России, экологи под обстрелом в Амазонии, заброшенные общины Детройта и не только. |
08:00 | How Big Is the Galaxy? (How Big Is the Galaxy?), Biografinis, Rusija, Estija, 2018 Documentary series. The Zharkov family - father, mother and two young sons -belong to the Dolgan community, one of the last indigenous peoples pursuing their traditional nomadic life in the extreme north of Siberia. |
09:30 | News. Asia (Новости. Азия), Rusija Live news covering Central Asia. |
09:35 | Real Talk (Реальный разговор) A weekly program about the realities of our days, whether it be politics, economics or public discourse about culture, upbringing, education. |
10:00 | Morning (Утро), Ukraina The main news, the main events of the upcoming day, the most important topics for discussion - on the morning broadcasts every day. |
10:30 | Face the Event (Лицом к событию) A live, one hour, talk show from our Moscow bureau focusing on the key issues and news events of the day. |
11:00 | True Story (Реальні історії), Ukraina Best historical documentary series of Current Time TV. |
11:30 | #InUkraine (#вУкраине), Biografinis, Ukraina Programs that familiarize the viewer with unique people, show places and events that are little known even in Ukraine itself. |
12:00 | The Gates of hell (Врата преисподней) Путешествие в самые смертоносные уголки мира, где ежедневная борьба за выживание является нормой. Сериал ведет нас вглубь скрытых миров: эксплуатация детей бандами в Колумбии, убийства женщин в Мексике, бизнес в тени мафии в Неаполе, жизнь гомосексуалиста в России, экологи под обстрелом в Амазонии, заброшенные общины Детройта и не только. |
13:00 | Archeology (Археология), Istorinis, Rusija Discussion program which takes a deep dive into fascinating societal issues. |
14:00 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
14:30 | #InUkraine (#вУкраине), Biografinis, Ukraina Programs that familiarize the viewer with unique people, show places and events that are little known even in Ukraine itself. |
15:00 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
15:30 | How Big Is the Galaxy? (How Big Is the Galaxy?), Biografinis, Rusija, Estija, 2018 Documentary series. The Zharkov family - father, mother and two young sons -belong to the Dolgan community, one of the last indigenous peoples pursuing their traditional nomadic life in the extreme north of Siberia. |
17:00 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
17:30 | Inside out (Наизнанку) "Наизнанку" — проект о региональной и многонациональной России. В получасовом видео шоу ведущий/ая обсуждает с гостями проблемы России с регионального ракурса. Проект выходит дважды в месяц с осени 2022 года. |
18:00 | Evening (Вечер), Rusija Daily information and analytical live program from the Current time studio in Prague. |
19:00 | Unknown Russia (Неизвестная Россия), Biografinis, Rusija Talk show focusing on the days' events and featuring live interviews with key figures in the news, in culture, and in current events. |
19:30 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
20:00 | America (Америка) From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC, international news for Russian speakers plus news from the United States, including business and entertainment news. |
21:00 | Merry Christmas, Yiwu (С Рождеством, Иу), Drama, Vokietija, Prancūzija, Švedija, Kataras, Serbija, 2020 There is a city in China called Yiwu, that has more than 600 Christmas factories, in which Christmas as we know it is produced for the entire world. This film is a portrait of Yiwu and its workers. A true Christmas fairy tale for grownups. |
23:00 | Face the Event (Лицом к событию) A live, one hour, talk show from our Moscow bureau focusing on the key issues and news events of the day. |
23:30 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
00:00 | Evening (Вечер), Rusija Daily information and analytical live program from the Current time studio in Prague. |
01:00 | America (Америка) From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC, international news for Russian speakers plus news from the United States, including business and entertainment news. |
02:00 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
02:30 | Tomorrow Today (Будущее сегодня), Rusija The Science Magazine. |
03:00 | Merry Christmas, Yiwu (С Рождеством, Иу), Drama, Vokietija, Prancūzija, Švedija, Kataras, Serbija, 2020 There is a city in China called Yiwu, that has more than 600 Christmas factories, in which Christmas as we know it is produced for the entire world. This film is a portrait of Yiwu and its workers. A true Christmas fairy tale for grownups. |
05:00 | Inside out (Наизнанку) "Наизнанку" — проект о региональной и многонациональной России. В получасовом видео шоу ведущий/ая обсуждает с гостями проблемы России с регионального ракурса. Проект выходит дважды в месяц с осени 2022 года |
05:30 | Unknown Russia (Неизвестная Россия), Biografinis, Rusija Talk show focusing on the days' events and featuring live interviews with key figures in the news, in culture, and in current events. |
06:00 | Archeology (Археология), Istorinis, Rusija Discussion program which takes a deep dive into fascinating societal issues. |
07:00 | Voices from the Roof of the World Документальный сериал о том, как изменение климата влияет на людей и экосистему самой высокой горной цепи от Памира до Каракорума и Гималаев, которую так же называют \"крышей мира\". Это крупнейшее хранилище льда на планете за пределами полярных регионов быстро тает и находится в беде |
08:00 | How Big Is the Galaxy? (How Big Is the Galaxy?), Biografinis, Rusija, Estija, 2018 Documentary series. The Zharkov family - father, mother and two young sons -belong to the Dolgan community, one of the last indigenous peoples pursuing their traditional nomadic life in the extreme north of Siberia. |
09:30 | News. Asia (Новости. Азия), Rusija Live news covering Central Asia. |
09:35 | True Story (Реальні історії), Ukraina Best historical documentary series of Current Time TV. |
10:00 | Morning (Утро), Ukraina The main news, the main events of the upcoming day, the most important topics for discussion - on the morning broadcasts every day. |
10:30 | Face the Event (Лицом к событию) A live, one hour, talk show from our Moscow bureau focusing on the key issues and news events of the day. |
11:00 | Special Project. Dock (Спецпроект.док), Rusija Special Project. Dock. |
11:30 | Unknown Russia (Неизвестная Россия), Biografinis, Rusija Talk show focusing on the days' events and featuring live interviews with key figures in the news, in culture, and in current events. |
12:00 | Voices from the Roof of the World Документальный сериал о том, как изменение климата влияет на людей и экосистему самой высокой горной цепи от Памира до Каракорума и Гималаев, которую так же называют \"крышей мира\". Это крупнейшее хранилище льда на планете за пределами полярных регионов быстро тает и находится в беде |
13:00 | Inside out (Наизнанку) "Наизнанку" — проект о региональной и многонациональной России. В получасовом видео шоу ведущий/ая обсуждает с гостями проблемы России с регионального ракурса. Проект выходит дважды в месяц с осени 2022 года. |
13:30 | Global Us: What connects us all (Global Us), Biografinis, Vokietija Global Us provides unexpected insights and exemplary solutions - it offers perspectives for a rapidly changing world. The focus is on people - those who want change, drive it forward and inspire others. |
14:00 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
14:30 | Unknown Russia (Неизвестная Россия), Biografinis, Rusija Talk show focusing on the days' events and featuring live interviews with key figures in the news, in culture, and in current events. |
15:00 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
15:30 | How Big Is the Galaxy? (How Big Is the Galaxy?), Biografinis, Rusija, Estija, 2018 Documentary series. The Zharkov family - father, mother and two young sons -belong to the Dolgan community, one of the last indigenous peoples pursuing their traditional nomadic life in the extreme north of Siberia. |
17:00 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
17:30 | Crimea. Realities (Крым. Реалии), Ukraina The program features news and stories of life in the Crimea under an increasingly authoritarian rule. |
18:00 | Evening (Вечер), Rusija Daily information and analytical live program from the Current time studio in Prague. |
19:00 | Asia 360 (Asia 360) Asia 360 is the author's project of Adilet Bektursunov. This is a series of documentaries about mysterious cities and unknown places of Central Asia. We show their past and present, traditions, culture and morals in the format of 360 degrees. Adilet Bektursunov as author and producer of the series produces 2 programs on a monthly basis (including full production cycle starting with negotiating of the topic for each episode, producing including planning, negotiations with potential characters, filming, editing, voice-over recording and preparing a clean version of each program). The author is responsible to provide an audio-visual product that complies with the technical, ethic and editorial standards of the Current Time TV channel and strictly obligated to follow the instructions given by Current Time TV managers. |
19:30 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
20:00 | America (Америка) From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC, international news for Russian speakers plus news from the United States, including business and entertainment news. |
21:00 | No Small Matter (No Small Matter), JAV, 2021 No Small Matter is the first feature documentary to explore the most overlooked, underestimated, and powerful force for change today: early childhood education. |
23:00 | Face the Event (Лицом к событию) A live, one hour, talk show from our Moscow bureau focusing on the key issues and news events of the day. |
23:30 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
00:00 | Evening (Вечер), Rusija Daily information and analytical live program from the Current time studio in Prague. |
01:00 | America (Америка) From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC, international news for Russian speakers plus news from the United States, including business and entertainment news. |
02:00 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
02:30 | DW. Interview (DW. Интервью), Rusija Интервью с известными политиками, интеллектуалами, общественными деятелями из России, Европы и США. |
03:00 | No Small Matter (No Small Matter), JAV, 2021 No Small Matter is the first feature documentary to explore the most overlooked, underestimated, and powerful force for change today: early childhood education. |
05:00 | Real Talk (Реальный разговор) A weekly program about the realities of our days, whether it be politics, economics or public discourse about culture, upbringing, education. |
05:30 | Asia 360 (Asia 360) Asia 360 is the author's project of Adilet Bektursunov. This is a series of documentaries about mysterious cities and unknown places of Central Asia. We show their past and present, traditions, culture and morals in the format of 360 degrees. Adilet Bektursunov as author and producer of the series produces 2 programs on a monthly basis (including full production cycle starting with negotiating of the topic for each episode, producing including planning, negotiations with potential characters, filming, editing, voice-over recording and preparing a clean version of each program). The author is responsible to provide an audio-visual product that complies with the technical, ethic and editorial standards of the Current Time TV channel and strictly obligated to follow the instructions given by Current Time TV managers. |
06:00 | Inside out (Наизнанку) "Наизнанку" — проект о региональной и многонациональной России. В получасовом видео шоу ведущий/ая обсуждает с гостями проблемы России с регионального ракурса. Проект выходит дважды в месяц с осени 2022 года |
06:30 | Special Project. Dock (Спецпроект.док), Rusija Special Project. Dock. |
07:00 | Mission to defuse (Миссия обезвредить), Istorinis, Rusija Every year, thousands of unexploded ordnances are recovered and defused in Germany. They are remnants of war and everyday experts risk their lives. |
08:00 | No Small Matter (No Small Matter), JAV, 2021 No Small Matter is the first feature documentary to explore the most overlooked, underestimated, and powerful force for change today: early childhood education. |
09:30 | News. Asia (Новости. Азия), Rusija Live news covering Central Asia. |
09:35 | Special Report (Специальный репортаж) репортаж на актуальные темы от журналистов Настоящего времени |
10:00 | Morning (Утро), Ukraina The main news, the main events of the upcoming day, the most important topics for discussion - on the morning broadcasts every day. |
10:30 | Face the Event (Лицом к событию) A live, one hour, talk show from our Moscow bureau focusing on the key issues and news events of the day. |
11:00 | Special Project. Dock (Спецпроект.док), Rusija Special Project. Dock. |
11:30 | Asia 360 (Asia 360) Asia 360 is the author's project of Adilet Bektursunov. This is a series of documentaries about mysterious cities and unknown places of Central Asia. We show their past and present, traditions, culture and morals in the format of 360 degrees. Adilet Bektursunov as author and producer of the series produces 2 programs on a monthly basis (including full production cycle starting with negotiating of the topic for each episode, producing including planning, negotiations with potential characters, filming, editing, voice-over recording and preparing a clean version of each program). The author is responsible to provide an audio-visual product that complies with the technical, ethic and editorial standards of the Current Time TV channel and strictly obligated to follow the instructions given by Current Time TV managers. |
12:00 | Mission to defuse (Миссия обезвредить), Istorinis, Rusija Every year, thousands of unexploded ordnances are recovered and defused in Germany. They are remnants of war and everyday experts risk their lives. |
13:00 | Crimea. Realities (Крым. Реалии), Ukraina The program features news and stories of life in the Crimea under an increasingly authoritarian rule. |
13:30 | Made in Germany (Сделано в Германии) In a rapidly changing world, MADE in Germany examines the risks and benefits of digitalization and its impact on the way we work, what we earn and how we live. The program also investigates the ethics of business, and showcases young entrepreneurs who are redefining the workplace. Instead of just crunching the numbers, MADE delves deeper into issues and also explores the emotional side to stories. |
14:00 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
14:30 | Asia 360 (Asia 360) Asia 360 is the author's project of Adilet Bektursunov. This is a series of documentaries about mysterious cities and unknown places of Central Asia. We show their past and present, traditions, culture and morals in the format of 360 degrees. Adilet Bektursunov as author and producer of the series produces 2 programs on a monthly basis (including full production cycle starting with negotiating of the topic for each episode, producing including planning, negotiations with potential characters, filming, editing, voice-over recording and preparing a clean version of each program). The author is responsible to provide an audio-visual product that complies with the technical, ethic and editorial standards of the Current Time TV channel and strictly obligated to follow the instructions given by Current Time TV managers. |
15:00 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
15:30 | No Small Matter (No Small Matter), JAV, 2021 No Small Matter is the first feature documentary to explore the most overlooked, underestimated, and powerful force for change today: early childhood education. |
17:00 | Baltic (Балтия) News stories from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. |
17:30 | Donbass. Realities (Донбас. Реалії), Ukraina This newsmagazine provides a rare glimpse into life in war torn Eastern Ukraine. |
18:00 | Evening (Вечер), Rusija Daily information and analytical live program from the Current time studio in Prague. |
19:00 | Person on the Map (Человек на карте), Rusija This weekly half hour documentary tells the stories about people who live in the modern Russian province. |
19:30 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
20:00 | America (Америка) From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC, international news for Russian speakers plus news from the United States, including business and entertainment news. |
21:00 | Is It Easy to Be Young? (Vai viegli but jaunam?), Drama, Latvija, 1987 A controversial documentary examines numerous stories of young people growing up in Soviet Latvia. In addition to universal conflicts that plague all teenagers, these youths must also learn to live with religious and social oppression and the fear of nuclear conflict. When some of the teenagers become rebellious, they draw unwanted attention from those around them, risking severe punishment. |
23:00 | Face the Event (Лицом к событию) A live, one hour, talk show from our Moscow bureau focusing on the key issues and news events of the day. |
23:30 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
00:00 | Evening (Вечер), Rusija Daily information and analytical live program from the Current time studio in Prague. |
01:00 | America (Америка) From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC, international news for Russian speakers plus news from the United States, including business and entertainment news. |
02:00 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
02:30 | Reporter (Репортер), Rusija DW's on-the-ground reporters are always close to the action, be it covering international events or zooming in on some of the quirks of daily life. Camera always in hand, they report on the changes they see taking place in Germany, Europe and around the world. |
03:00 | Is It Easy to Be Young? (Vai viegli but jaunam?), Drama, Latvija, 1987 A controversial documentary examines numerous stories of young people growing up in Soviet Latvia. In addition to universal conflicts that plague all teenagers, these youths must also learn to live with religious and social oppression and the fear of nuclear conflict. When some of the teenagers become rebellious, they draw unwanted attention from those around them, risking severe punishment. |
05:00 | Road to Freedom (Дороги к свободе) This discussion program features in depth analysis of news with Vitaly Portnikov. |
05:30 | Person on the Map (Человек на карте), Rusija This weekly half hour documentary tells the stories about people who live in the modern Russian province. |
06:00 | Baltic (Балтия) News stories from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. |
06:30 | Signs of Life (Признаки жизни) A weekly half hour documentary series profiling people and events that are making a difference in fighting despotism and corruption in Russia. |
07:00 | America. Big Road Trip Program (Америка. Большое путешествие), Biografinis, Rusija This documentary project explores the character of different American states and cities through the stories of their people, history, culture, and food. Our documentary series of 24-minute episodes showcase the uniqueness of each place and aims at breaking down popular stereotypes about America. We'll take our viewers on a tour beyond major tourist routes and introduce them to the people who represent the best of the American character: self- made problem solvers, innovators, thinkers, and role models. Our special focus in each episode will be on strong female characters, the stories of successful immigrants, on diversity and the LGBT community. |
08:00 | Is It Easy to Be Young? (Vai viegli but jaunam?), Drama, Latvija, 1987 A controversial documentary examines numerous stories of young people growing up in Soviet Latvia. In addition to universal conflicts that plague all teenagers, these youths must also learn to live with religious and social oppression and the fear of nuclear conflict. When some of the teenagers become rebellious, they draw unwanted attention from those around them, risking severe punishment. |
09:30 | News. Asia (Новости. Азия), Rusija Live news covering Central Asia. |
09:35 | Special Report (Специальный репортаж) репортаж на актуальные темы от журналистов Настоящего времени |
10:00 | Morning (Утро), Ukraina The main news, the main events of the upcoming day, the most important topics for discussion - on the morning broadcasts every day. |
10:30 | Face the Event (Лицом к событию) A live, one hour, talk show from our Moscow bureau focusing on the key issues and news events of the day. |
11:00 | Special Project. Dock (Спецпроект.док), Rusija Special Project. Dock. |
11:30 | Person on the Map (Человек на карте), Rusija This weekly half hour documentary tells the stories about people who live in the modern Russian province. |
12:00 | America. Big Road Trip Program (Америка. Большое путешествие), Biografinis, Rusija This documentary project explores the character of different American states and cities through the stories of their people, history, culture, and food. Our documentary series of 24-minute episodes showcase the uniqueness of each place and aims at breaking down popular stereotypes about America. We'll take our viewers on a tour beyond major tourist routes and introduce them to the people who represent the best of the American character: self- made problem solvers, innovators, thinkers, and role models. Our special focus in each episode will be on strong female characters, the stories of successful immigrants, on diversity and the LGBT community. |
13:00 | Donbass. Realities (Донбас. Реалії), Ukraina This newsmagazine provides a rare glimpse into life in war torn Eastern Ukraine. |
13:30 | DW. Interview (DW. Интервью), Rusija Интервью с известными политиками, интеллектуалами, общественными деятелями из России, Европы и США. |
14:00 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
14:30 | Person on the Map (Человек на карте), Rusija This weekly half hour documentary tells the stories about people who live in the modern Russian province. |
15:00 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
15:30 | Is It Easy to Be Young? (Vai viegli but jaunam?), Drama, Latvija, 1987 A controversial documentary examines numerous stories of young people growing up in Soviet Latvia. In addition to universal conflicts that plague all teenagers, these youths must also learn to live with religious and social oppression and the fear of nuclear conflict. When some of the teenagers become rebellious, they draw unwanted attention from those around them, risking severe punishment. |
17:00 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
17:30 | Crossroad (Перекресток), Rusija The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up. |
18:00 | Evening (Вечер), Rusija Daily information and analytical live program from the Current time studio in Prague. |
19:00 | Come Visit Us! (Ждём в гости), Rusija, Čekija Travel and food show with Zurab Dvali. |
19:30 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
20:00 | America (Америка) From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC, international news for Russian speakers plus news from the United States, including business and entertainment news. |
21:00 | Warming the Heart of Antarctica (Warming the Heart of Antarctica), Apie gamtą, Didžioji Britanija, 2020 продолжение фильма |
23:00 | Face the Event (Лицом к событию) A live, one hour, talk show from our Moscow bureau focusing on the key issues and news events of the day. |
23:30 | News Day (Главное) Daily news program features news of interest to the Russian speaking audience. |
00:00 | Evening (Вечер), Rusija Daily information and analytical live program from the Current time studio in Prague. |
01:00 | America (Америка) From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC, international news for Russian speakers plus news from the United States, including business and entertainment news. |
02:00 | Asia (Азия) The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there. |
02:30 | Crossroad (Перекресток), Rusija The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up. |
03:00 | Warming the Heart of Antarctica (Warming the Heart of Antarctica), Apie gamtą, Didžioji Britanija, 2020 продолжение фильма |
05:00 | DW. Interview (DW. Интервью), Rusija Интервью с известными политиками, интеллектуалами, общественными деятелями из России, Европы и США. |
05:30 | Come Visit Us! (Ждём в гости), Rusija, Čekija Travel and food show with Zurab Dvali. |
06:00 | Interview (Интервью), Biografinis, Rusija Все о чем вы уже вкратце слышали в новостях, но хотели бы узнать подробности. Настоящее Время задает злободневные вопросы ключевым игрокам важных событий, беседует с известными политиками, узнает мнение компетентных аналитиков |
06:30 | Unknown Russia (Неизвестная Россия), Biografinis, Rusija Talk show focusing on the days' events and featuring live interviews with key figures in the news, in culture, and in current events. |
07:00 | Almost Grown-Ups (Почти взрослые) Under the Sicilian sunlight, Oscar collects scrap metal with his father. At the other end of town, Stanley the Nigerian migrant gets by thanks to small tasks given by the parish priest. Both share the same desire for a better life. |
08:00 | Face the Event (Лицом к событию) A live, one hour, talk show from our Moscow bureau focusing on the key issues and news events of the day. |
08:30 | Crossroad (Перекресток), Rusija The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up. |
09:00 | Donbass. Realities (Донбас. Реалії), Ukraina This newsmagazine provides a rare glimpse into life in war torn Eastern Ukraine. |
09:30 | Come Visit Us! (Ждём в гости), Rusija, Čekija Travel and food show with Zurab Dvali. |
10:00 | Almost Grown-Ups (Почти взрослые) In the High Himalayas of Nepal, children are sent from their remote villages to a Buddhist monk-led school in Kathmandu. After a decade of being away, a group of 16 year-olds are making their journey home, with the danger of earthquakes looming. |
12:00 | Almost Grown-Ups (Почти взрослые) Under the Sicilian sunlight, Oscar collects scrap metal with his father. At the other end of town, Stanley the Nigerian migrant gets by thanks to small tasks given by the parish priest. Both share the same desire for a better life. |
13:00 | Baltic (Балтия) News stories from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. |
13:30 | Europe in Focus (Европа в фокусе), Vokietija News and reports from Europe. |
14:00 | Road to Freedom (Дороги к свободе) This discussion program features in depth analysis of news with Vitaly Portnikov. |
14:30 | Crossroad (Перекрёсток), Rusija The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up. |
15:00 | News (Новости) |
15:10 | Almost Grown-Ups (Почти взрослые) In the High Himalayas of Nepal, children are sent from their remote villages to a Buddhist monk-led school in Kathmandu. After a decade of being away, a group of 16 year-olds are making their journey home, with the danger of earthquakes looming. |
17:00 | Facets of Time (Грани времени), Rusija Results of the week with Mumin Shakirov. |
18:00 | True Story (Реальні історії), Ukraina Best historical documentary series of Current Time TV. |
18:30 | Baltic (Балтия. Неделя), Estija News stories from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. |
19:00 | Interview (Интервью), Biografinis, Rusija Все о чем вы уже вкратце слышали в новостях, но хотели бы узнать подробности. Настоящее Время задает злободневные вопросы ключевым игрокам важных событий, беседует с изветсными политиками, узнает мнение компетентных аналитиков. |
19:30 | Look Both Ways (Смотри в оба), Rusija The project about news and those who make this news. About fakes and sensations, about involuntary mistakes and conscious manipulations. We search for information from different sources, compare and present it to your judgment. |
19:45 | Main figures (Главные фигуры), Rusija Like a game of chess, Russian President Vladimir Putin's inner circle moves pieces across the board to shape the country's political regime and military actions. But who are these key players, and what motivates their moves? 'Power Play: Inside Putin's Inner Circle,' a joint production of Current Time and The Insider, takes you behind the scenes to explore the shadowy world of Putin's closest advisors and their strategic moves. |
20:00 | Newsday (Итоги) Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне. |
20:30 | Details (Детали), Rusija From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC. |
21:00 | Los Reyes (Los Reyes), Apie gamtą, Vokietija, Čilė, 2018 A magical documentary about two charismatic dogs, Chola and Football, who live in a skate park in Santiago, Chile. The park brings together teenagers from all different social and cultural backgrounds. Los Reyes shows us their world — the human world — from Chola and Football's perspective. |