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21:48 | Firminy by Le Corbusier (Le Site Le Corbusier de Firminy), Prancūzija, 2017 Сайт Firminy представляет один из сильных идей Ле Корбюзье, слияния и сосуществования трех видов деятельности человека: культурной жизни и досуга, спорта и поклонения. Этот набор из четырех больших зданий, в том числе Дома культуры и молодежи, стадион, Unite d'Обители, Церковь Святого Петра является самым крупным в Европе и является одним из наиболее важных из двадцати и-из основных работ, которые построили Ле Корбюзье во Франции и по всему миру |
22:15 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
22:42 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2016 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
23:11 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 In this episode, we will meet André Perlstein, photographer for the Sygma agency. |
23:26 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
23:47 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
00:15 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
00:27 | Le Havre d'Auguste Perret: The Concrete City (Le Havre d'Auguste Perret: La ville béton), Prancūzija, 2017 Город Гавр в Нормандии подвергся сильным бомбардировкам во время Второй мировой войны. Разрушенную часть восстанавливали с 1945 по 1964 год по плану архитектурной группы, возглавляемой Огюстом Перре. На этой территории расположен административный, торговый и культурный центр Гавра. Гавр выделяется среди множества реконструированных городов единством и целостностью. Прежняя структура города и сохранившиеся исторические постройки сочетаются в нем с новыми идеями градостроительства и строительных технологий. Это выдающийся пример послевоенного городского планирования и архитектуры, основанный на единстве методологии и использовании сборных конструкций, систематическом применении модульной сетки и новаторском использовании бетона. |
00:54 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2017 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
01:09 | The Art of Japanese Garden (L'Art du jardin japonais), Apie gamtą, Prancūzija, 2017 MyZen TV. In Japan, gardening is an important and respected art. The Japanese garden seeks to interpret and idealize nature by limiting artifices. |
01:36 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
02:03 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 In this episode, we meet André Perlstein, the photographer behind the iconic portraits of stars. |
02:18 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
02:33 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 Come and discover the most beautiful painting museums in the world. Whether they should be in Amsterdam, London, New York or St Petersburg, those museums are the shrine for some of the greatest works of art in the world, and are welcoming millions of visitors each year. |
03:26 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
03:54 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
04:15 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2018 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
05:07 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
05:35 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
05:49 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
06:04 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Leader of the School of Pont-Aven, Paul Gauguin, the most exotic of French artists, paved the way for modern painting. There were two main themes which marked his work: Brittany and Tahiti. A rebel, he rejected copying reality in favour of exploring more delicate painting techniques. You will discover here the most important milestones in his work: from "Four Breton Girls" to "Tahitian Women on the Beach", by way of the surprising "Self Portrait with Yellow Christ". Enjoy your visit! |
06:25 | The Centquatre (Le Centquatre), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Willy Pierre-Jospeh is a professional dancer and he's too the organizer of the "training party" to cent quatre with Wynkl where improvisation and exchange between the dancer are a privilege moment. This free expression is too a precious moment we like to capture. Discover the "trainingparty" and the artistic world of Willy Pierre-Joseph, Noël Rasendrason. |
06:52 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
07:06 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
07:22 | Custom Revolution (Custom Revolution), Prancūzija, 2019 In this documentary, we take you on a tour of the world's first custom motorcycle exhibit. In the new and prestigious Peterson Museum in Los Angeles, the charismatic Paul d'Orleans, motorcycle historian, consultant for Bonham's and Sotheby's, gives us a private tour of the exhibition he curated. It is an exhibition where each motorcycle is unique and considered a work of art. |
07:49 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2020 Private Tour takes you to discover the exhibition "The Pushkin Museum: five hundred years of master drawings" at the Fondation Custodia in Paris. |
08:04 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2017 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
08:57 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
09:12 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
09:40 | Artist's Portrait (Portrait d'artiste), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2018 Родился 31 лет назад в Рубе, Квентин Carnaille Быстро Эст devenu имеет прочность на искусство Szene севере Франции. студент архитектуры Поезд, Carnaille всегда бывшие люди очарованы, как работают вещи. Его ранние работы были под влиянием заводных механизмов, он отвлекается от руки их использовать для создания украшений и аксессуаров. Тогда Ориентирован на реализацию скульптур и работы с Большим саамов и эстетического вдохновения. Современные и футуристические идеи повлияли его работа с самого начала, основана начальная ориентация ИКТ на прошлое и происхождение человечества. |
09:54 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
10:09 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
10:37 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
10:52 | Museum Stories (Musée d'Art à (re)voir), Prancūzija, 2019 This series takes us on a journey through a diverse and eclectic collection of different museums in France. Each episode focuses on a specific museum and transports the viewer to various eras, covering a plethora of subject matter. |
11:18 | The World's Greatest Painters (Les plus grands peintres du monde), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2021 The World's Greatest Painters is a documentary series featuring the masterpieces of great artists from around the world. Imerse yourself in your favourite work of art. |
12:11 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
12:32 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
12:47 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2018 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
13:02 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
13:23 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
13:50 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
14:04 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
14:31 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2016 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
14:59 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
15:20 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
15:47 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
16:02 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
16:16 | Aristide Maillol: Quest for Harmony (Aristide Maillol. La quête de l'harmonie), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2022 "It's not quite nature, it's a statue. The feeling of greatness, I put it there. But it still makes work easier, when nature gives you almost everything." from Aristide Maillol. This quote perfectly sums up Maillol's artistic approach, his first ambitious figure, Méditerranée (1905), appears as the manifesto of the ""return to order"" of which he is a major actor in sculpture. This documentary film wants to tell the man and his art, this quest for perfection which will push him from painting to tapestry, from tapestry to sculpture, always with the ambition of revisiting an art." |
17:09 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
17:37 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
18:31 | Studio Design 5.5 (Studio Design 5.5), Prancūzija, 2017 Откройте для себя шведскую дизайн-студию! |
18:58 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
19:15 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
19:36 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 We invite you to enter three of the most famous museums in Munich. You will discover works by Raphael, Da Vinci, Bruegel, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Delacroix, Cézanne, Matisse, Picasso, Magritte & Warhol. |
20:31 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
20:58 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
21:13 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
21:28 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
21:56 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
22:10 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
22:31 | Art Contest (Art Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 The story follows an unusual outdoor contest in which 4 artists are challenged to produce a thematically appropriate work in only 45 minutes. Will they be able to create real art in such a short period of time? Join us and find out! |
23:25 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
23:39 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
00:06 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
00:21 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
01:16 | Museum Stories (Musée d'Art à (re)voir), Prancūzija, 2016 This series takes us on a journey through a diverse and eclectic collection of different museums in France. Each episode focuses on a specific museum and transports the viewer to various eras, covering a plethora of subject matter. |
01:43 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
01:58 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
02:19 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
02:45 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
03:00 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
03:28 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 Come and discover the most beautiful painting museums in the world. Whether they should be in Amsterdam, London, New York or St Petersburg, those museums are the shrine for some of the greatest works of art in the world, and are welcoming millions of visitors each year. |
04:22 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
04:37 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
05:04 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
05:25 | Art Contest (Art Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 The story follows an unusual outdoor contest in which 4 artists are challenged to produce a thematically appropriate work in only 45 minutes. Will they be able to create real art in such a short period of time? Join us and find out! |
06:21 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
06:36 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
06:51 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Raphael, Masis, Sophie and Claire reveal their best drawing techniques. Today, you will learn some techniques to draw water. |
07:19 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
07:46 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
08:39 | Firminy by Le Corbusier (Le Site Le Corbusier de Firminy), Prancūzija, 2017 Сайт Firminy представляет один из сильных идей Ле Корбюзье, слияния и сосуществования трех видов деятельности человека: культурной жизни и досуга, спорта и поклонения. Этот набор из четырех больших зданий, в том числе Дома культуры и молодежи, стадион, Unite d'Обители, Церковь Святого Петра является самым крупным в Европе и является одним из наиболее важных из двадцати и-из основных работ, которые построили Ле Корбюзье во Франции и по всему миру |
09:06 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
09:34 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2016 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
10:03 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 In this episode, we will meet André Perlstein, photographer for the Sygma agency. |
10:17 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
10:38 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
11:06 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
11:18 | Le Havre d'Auguste Perret: The Concrete City (Le Havre d'Auguste Perret: La ville béton), Prancūzija, 2017 Город Гавр в Нормандии подвергся сильным бомбардировкам во время Второй мировой войны. Разрушенную часть восстанавливали с 1945 по 1964 год по плану архитектурной группы, возглавляемой Огюстом Перре. На этой территории расположен административный, торговый и культурный центр Гавра. Гавр выделяется среди множества реконструированных городов единством и целостностью. Прежняя структура города и сохранившиеся исторические постройки сочетаются в нем с новыми идеями градостроительства и строительных технологий. Это выдающийся пример послевоенного городского планирования и архитектуры, основанный на единстве методологии и использовании сборных конструкций, систематическом применении модульной сетки и новаторском использовании бетона. |
11:46 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2017 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
12:00 | The Art of Japanese Garden (L'Art du jardin japonais), Apie gamtą, Prancūzija, 2017 MyZen TV. In Japan, gardening is an important and respected art. The Japanese garden seeks to interpret and idealize nature by limiting artifices. |
12:27 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
12:54 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 In this episode, we meet André Perlstein, the photographer behind the iconic portraits of stars. |
13:09 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
13:24 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 Come and discover the most beautiful painting museums in the world. Whether they should be in Amsterdam, London, New York or St Petersburg, those museums are the shrine for some of the greatest works of art in the world, and are welcoming millions of visitors each year. |
14:18 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
14:45 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
15:06 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2018 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
15:59 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
16:26 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
16:40 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
16:55 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Leader of the School of Pont-Aven, Paul Gauguin, the most exotic of French artists, paved the way for modern painting. There were two main themes which marked his work: Brittany and Tahiti. A rebel, he rejected copying reality in favour of exploring more delicate painting techniques. You will discover here the most important milestones in his work: from "Four Breton Girls" to "Tahitian Women on the Beach", by way of the surprising "Self Portrait with Yellow Christ". Enjoy your visit! |
17:16 | The Centquatre (Le Centquatre), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Willy Pierre-Jospeh is a professional dancer and he's too the organizer of the "training party" to cent quatre with Wynkl where improvisation and exchange between the dancer are a privilege moment. This free expression is too a precious moment we like to capture. Discover the "trainingparty" and the artistic world of Willy Pierre-Joseph, Noël Rasendrason. |
17:43 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
17:57 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
18:13 | Custom Revolution (Custom Revolution), Prancūzija, 2019 In this documentary, we take you on a tour of the world's first custom motorcycle exhibit. In the new and prestigious Peterson Museum in Los Angeles, the charismatic Paul d'Orleans, motorcycle historian, consultant for Bonham's and Sotheby's, gives us a private tour of the exhibition he curated. It is an exhibition where each motorcycle is unique and considered a work of art. |
18:40 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2020 Private Tour takes you to discover the exhibition "The Pushkin Museum: five hundred years of master drawings" at the Fondation Custodia in Paris. |
18:55 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2017 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
19:48 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
20:03 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
20:31 | Artist's Portrait (Portrait d'artiste), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2018 Родился 31 лет назад в Рубе, Квентин Carnaille Быстро Эст devenu имеет прочность на искусство Szene севере Франции. студент архитектуры Поезд, Carnaille всегда бывшие люди очарованы, как работают вещи. Его ранние работы были под влиянием заводных механизмов, он отвлекается от руки их использовать для создания украшений и аксессуаров. Тогда Ориентирован на реализацию скульптур и работы с Большим саамов и эстетического вдохновения. Современные и футуристические идеи повлияли его работа с самого начала, основана начальная ориентация ИКТ на прошлое и происхождение человечества. |
20:45 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
21:00 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
21:28 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
21:43 | Museum Stories (Musée d'Art à (re)voir), Prancūzija, 2019 This series takes us on a journey through a diverse and eclectic collection of different museums in France. Each episode focuses on a specific museum and transports the viewer to various eras, covering a plethora of subject matter. |
22:10 | The World's Greatest Painters (Les plus grands peintres du monde), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2021 The World's Greatest Painters is a documentary series featuring the masterpieces of great artists from around the world. Imerse yourself in your favourite work of art. |
23:02 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
23:23 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
23:38 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2018 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
23:53 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
00:14 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
00:41 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
00:55 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
01:23 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2016 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
01:50 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
02:11 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
02:39 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
02:53 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
03:07 | Aristide Maillol: Quest for Harmony (Aristide Maillol. La quête de l'harmonie), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2022 "It's not quite nature, it's a statue. The feeling of greatness, I put it there. But it still makes work easier, when nature gives you almost everything." from Aristide Maillol. This quote perfectly sums up Maillol's artistic approach, his first ambitious figure, Méditerranée (1905), appears as the manifesto of the ""return to order"" of which he is a major actor in sculpture. This documentary film wants to tell the man and his art, this quest for perfection which will push him from painting to tapestry, from tapestry to sculpture, always with the ambition of revisiting an art." |
04:01 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
04:28 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
05:22 | Studio Design 5.5 (Studio Design 5.5), Prancūzija, 2017 Откройте для себя шведскую дизайн-студию! |
05:50 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
06:07 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
06:28 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 We invite you to enter three of the most famous museums in Munich. You will discover works by Raphael, Da Vinci, Bruegel, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Delacroix, Cézanne, Matisse, Picasso, Magritte & Warhol. |
07:22 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
07:50 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
08:04 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
08:19 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
08:47 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
09:01 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
09:22 | Art Contest (Art Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 The story follows an unusual outdoor contest in which 4 artists are challenged to produce a thematically appropriate work in only 45 minutes. Will they be able to create real art in such a short period of time? Join us and find out! |
10:16 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
10:31 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
10:58 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
11:13 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
12:07 | Museum Stories (Musée d'Art à (re)voir), Prancūzija, 2016 This series takes us on a journey through a diverse and eclectic collection of different museums in France. Each episode focuses on a specific museum and transports the viewer to various eras, covering a plethora of subject matter. |
12:34 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
12:49 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
13:10 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
13:37 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
13:51 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
14:20 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 Come and discover the most beautiful painting museums in the world. Whether they should be in Amsterdam, London, New York or St Petersburg, those museums are the shrine for some of the greatest works of art in the world, and are welcoming millions of visitors each year. |
15:13 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
15:28 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
15:55 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
16:16 | Art Contest (Art Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 The story follows an unusual outdoor contest in which 4 artists are challenged to produce a thematically appropriate work in only 45 minutes. Will they be able to create real art in such a short period of time? Join us and find out! |
17:12 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
17:27 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
17:42 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Raphael, Masis, Sophie and Claire reveal their best drawing techniques. Today, you will learn some techniques to draw water. |
18:10 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
18:37 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
19:31 | Firminy by Le Corbusier (Le Site Le Corbusier de Firminy), Prancūzija, 2017 Сайт Firminy представляет один из сильных идей Ле Корбюзье, слияния и сосуществования трех видов деятельности человека: культурной жизни и досуга, спорта и поклонения. Этот набор из четырех больших зданий, в том числе Дома культуры и молодежи, стадион, Unite d'Обители, Церковь Святого Петра является самым крупным в Европе и является одним из наиболее важных из двадцати и-из основных работ, которые построили Ле Корбюзье во Франции и по всему миру |
19:57 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
20:25 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2016 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
20:54 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 In this episode, we will meet André Perlstein, photographer for the Sygma agency. |
21:09 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
21:29 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
21:57 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
22:10 | Le Havre d'Auguste Perret: The Concrete City (Le Havre d'Auguste Perret: La ville béton), Prancūzija, 2017 Город Гавр в Нормандии подвергся сильным бомбардировкам во время Второй мировой войны. Разрушенную часть восстанавливали с 1945 по 1964 год по плану архитектурной группы, возглавляемой Огюстом Перре. На этой территории расположен административный, торговый и культурный центр Гавра. Гавр выделяется среди множества реконструированных городов единством и целостностью. Прежняя структура города и сохранившиеся исторические постройки сочетаются в нем с новыми идеями градостроительства и строительных технологий. Это выдающийся пример послевоенного городского планирования и архитектуры, основанный на единстве методологии и использовании сборных конструкций, систематическом применении модульной сетки и новаторском использовании бетона. |
22:37 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2017 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
22:51 | The Art of Japanese Garden (L'Art du jardin japonais), Apie gamtą, Prancūzija, 2017 MyZen TV. In Japan, gardening is an important and respected art. The Japanese garden seeks to interpret and idealize nature by limiting artifices. |
23:18 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
23:46 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 In this episode, we meet André Perlstein, the photographer behind the iconic portraits of stars. |
00:00 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
00:16 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 Come and discover the most beautiful painting museums in the world. Whether they should be in Amsterdam, London, New York or St Petersburg, those museums are the shrine for some of the greatest works of art in the world, and are welcoming millions of visitors each year. |
01:09 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
01:36 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
01:58 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2018 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
02:50 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
03:17 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
03:31 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
03:46 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Leader of the School of Pont-Aven, Paul Gauguin, the most exotic of French artists, paved the way for modern painting. There were two main themes which marked his work: Brittany and Tahiti. A rebel, he rejected copying reality in favour of exploring more delicate painting techniques. You will discover here the most important milestones in his work: from "Four Breton Girls" to "Tahitian Women on the Beach", by way of the surprising "Self Portrait with Yellow Christ". Enjoy your visit! |
04:07 | The Centquatre (Le Centquatre), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Willy Pierre-Jospeh is a professional dancer and he's too the organizer of the "training party" to cent quatre with Wynkl where improvisation and exchange between the dancer are a privilege moment. This free expression is too a precious moment we like to capture. Discover the "trainingparty" and the artistic world of Willy Pierre-Joseph, Noël Rasendrason. |
04:35 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
04:49 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
05:04 | Custom Revolution (Custom Revolution), Prancūzija, 2019 In this documentary, we take you on a tour of the world's first custom motorcycle exhibit. In the new and prestigious Peterson Museum in Los Angeles, the charismatic Paul d'Orleans, motorcycle historian, consultant for Bonham's and Sotheby's, gives us a private tour of the exhibition he curated. It is an exhibition where each motorcycle is unique and considered a work of art. |
05:31 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2020 Private Tour takes you to discover the exhibition "The Pushkin Museum: five hundred years of master drawings" at the Fondation Custodia in Paris. |
05:46 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2017 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
06:39 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
06:54 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
07:22 | Artist's Portrait (Portrait d'artiste), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2018 Родился 31 лет назад в Рубе, Квентин Carnaille Быстро Эст devenu имеет прочность на искусство Szene севере Франции. студент архитектуры Поезд, Carnaille всегда бывшие люди очарованы, как работают вещи. Его ранние работы были под влиянием заводных механизмов, он отвлекается от руки их использовать для создания украшений и аксессуаров. Тогда Ориентирован на реализацию скульптур и работы с Большим саамов и эстетического вдохновения. Современные и футуристические идеи повлияли его работа с самого начала, основана начальная ориентация ИКТ на прошлое и происхождение человечества. |
07:36 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
07:51 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
08:19 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
08:34 | Museum Stories (Musée d'Art à (re)voir), Prancūzija, 2019 This series takes us on a journey through a diverse and eclectic collection of different museums in France. Each episode focuses on a specific museum and transports the viewer to various eras, covering a plethora of subject matter. |
09:01 | The World's Greatest Painters (Les plus grands peintres du monde), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2021 The World's Greatest Painters is a documentary series featuring the masterpieces of great artists from around the world. Imerse yourself in your favourite work of art. |
09:53 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
10:14 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
10:30 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2018 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
10:44 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
11:05 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
11:33 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
11:47 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
12:14 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2016 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
12:41 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
13:02 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
13:30 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
13:44 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
13:59 | Aristide Maillol: Quest for Harmony (Aristide Maillol. La quête de l'harmonie), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2022 "It's not quite nature, it's a statue. The feeling of greatness, I put it there. But it still makes work easier, when nature gives you almost everything." from Aristide Maillol. This quote perfectly sums up Maillol's artistic approach, his first ambitious figure, Méditerranée (1905), appears as the manifesto of the ""return to order"" of which he is a major actor in sculpture. This documentary film wants to tell the man and his art, this quest for perfection which will push him from painting to tapestry, from tapestry to sculpture, always with the ambition of revisiting an art." |
14:52 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
15:19 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
16:13 | Studio Design 5.5 (Studio Design 5.5), Prancūzija, 2017 Откройте для себя шведскую дизайн-студию! |
16:41 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
16:58 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
17:19 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 We invite you to enter three of the most famous museums in Munich. You will discover works by Raphael, Da Vinci, Bruegel, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Delacroix, Cézanne, Matisse, Picasso, Magritte & Warhol. |
18:14 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
18:41 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
18:55 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
19:11 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
19:38 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
19:52 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
20:13 | Art Contest (Art Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 The story follows an unusual outdoor contest in which 4 artists are challenged to produce a thematically appropriate work in only 45 minutes. Will they be able to create real art in such a short period of time? Join us and find out! |
21:07 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
21:22 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
21:49 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
22:04 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
22:58 | Museum Stories (Musée d'Art à (re)voir), Prancūzija, 2016 This series takes us on a journey through a diverse and eclectic collection of different museums in France. Each episode focuses on a specific museum and transports the viewer to various eras, covering a plethora of subject matter. |
23:25 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
23:40 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
00:01 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
00:28 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
00:43 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
01:11 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 Come and discover the most beautiful painting museums in the world. Whether they should be in Amsterdam, London, New York or St Petersburg, those museums are the shrine for some of the greatest works of art in the world, and are welcoming millions of visitors each year. |
02:05 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
02:19 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
02:46 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
03:08 | Art Contest (Art Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 The story follows an unusual outdoor contest in which 4 artists are challenged to produce a thematically appropriate work in only 45 minutes. Will they be able to create real art in such a short period of time? Join us and find out! |
04:03 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
04:19 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
04:34 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Raphael, Masis, Sophie and Claire reveal their best drawing techniques. Today, you will learn some techniques to draw water. |
05:01 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
05:29 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
06:22 | Firminy by Le Corbusier (Le Site Le Corbusier de Firminy), Prancūzija, 2017 Сайт Firminy представляет один из сильных идей Ле Корбюзье, слияния и сосуществования трех видов деятельности человека: культурной жизни и досуга, спорта и поклонения. Этот набор из четырех больших зданий, в том числе Дома культуры и молодежи, стадион, Unite d'Обители, Церковь Святого Петра является самым крупным в Европе и является одним из наиболее важных из двадцати и-из основных работ, которые построили Ле Корбюзье во Франции и по всему миру |
06:48 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
07:16 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2016 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
07:45 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 In this episode, we will meet André Perlstein, photographer for the Sygma agency. |
08:00 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
08:21 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
08:48 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
09:01 | Le Havre d'Auguste Perret: The Concrete City (Le Havre d'Auguste Perret: La ville béton), Prancūzija, 2017 Город Гавр в Нормандии подвергся сильным бомбардировкам во время Второй мировой войны. Разрушенную часть восстанавливали с 1945 по 1964 год по плану архитектурной группы, возглавляемой Огюстом Перре. На этой территории расположен административный, торговый и культурный центр Гавра. Гавр выделяется среди множества реконструированных городов единством и целостностью. Прежняя структура города и сохранившиеся исторические постройки сочетаются в нем с новыми идеями градостроительства и строительных технологий. Это выдающийся пример послевоенного городского планирования и архитектуры, основанный на единстве методологии и использовании сборных конструкций, систематическом применении модульной сетки и новаторском использовании бетона. |
09:28 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2017 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
09:42 | The Art of Japanese Garden (L'Art du jardin japonais), Apie gamtą, Prancūzija, 2017 MyZen TV. In Japan, gardening is an important and respected art. The Japanese garden seeks to interpret and idealize nature by limiting artifices. |
10:10 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
10:37 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 In this episode, we meet André Perlstein, the photographer behind the iconic portraits of stars. |
10:52 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
11:07 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 Come and discover the most beautiful painting museums in the world. Whether they should be in Amsterdam, London, New York or St Petersburg, those museums are the shrine for some of the greatest works of art in the world, and are welcoming millions of visitors each year. |
12:00 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
12:28 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
12:49 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2018 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
13:41 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
14:08 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
14:22 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
14:37 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Leader of the School of Pont-Aven, Paul Gauguin, the most exotic of French artists, paved the way for modern painting. There were two main themes which marked his work: Brittany and Tahiti. A rebel, he rejected copying reality in favour of exploring more delicate painting techniques. You will discover here the most important milestones in his work: from "Four Breton Girls" to "Tahitian Women on the Beach", by way of the surprising "Self Portrait with Yellow Christ". Enjoy your visit! |
14:59 | The Centquatre (Le Centquatre), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Willy Pierre-Jospeh is a professional dancer and he's too the organizer of the "training party" to cent quatre with Wynkl where improvisation and exchange between the dancer are a privilege moment. This free expression is too a precious moment we like to capture. Discover the "trainingparty" and the artistic world of Willy Pierre-Joseph, Noël Rasendrason. |
15:26 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
15:40 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
15:55 | Custom Revolution (Custom Revolution), Prancūzija, 2019 In this documentary, we take you on a tour of the world's first custom motorcycle exhibit. In the new and prestigious Peterson Museum in Los Angeles, the charismatic Paul d'Orleans, motorcycle historian, consultant for Bonham's and Sotheby's, gives us a private tour of the exhibition he curated. It is an exhibition where each motorcycle is unique and considered a work of art. |
16:22 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2020 Private Tour takes you to discover the exhibition "The Pushkin Museum: five hundred years of master drawings" at the Fondation Custodia in Paris. |
16:37 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2017 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
17:30 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
17:46 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
18:14 | Artist's Portrait (Portrait d'artiste), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2018 Родился 31 лет назад в Рубе, Квентин Carnaille Быстро Эст devenu имеет прочность на искусство Szene севере Франции. студент архитектуры Поезд, Carnaille всегда бывшие люди очарованы, как работают вещи. Его ранние работы были под влиянием заводных механизмов, он отвлекается от руки их использовать для создания украшений и аксессуаров. Тогда Ориентирован на реализацию скульптур и работы с Большим саамов и эстетического вдохновения. Современные и футуристические идеи повлияли его работа с самого начала, основана начальная ориентация ИКТ на прошлое и происхождение человечества. |
18:28 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
18:43 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
19:11 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
19:25 | Museum Stories (Musée d'Art à (re)voir), Prancūzija, 2019 This series takes us on a journey through a diverse and eclectic collection of different museums in France. Each episode focuses on a specific museum and transports the viewer to various eras, covering a plethora of subject matter. |
19:52 | The World's Greatest Painters (Les plus grands peintres du monde), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2021 The World's Greatest Painters is a documentary series featuring the masterpieces of great artists from around the world. Imerse yourself in your favourite work of art. |
20:44 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
21:05 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
21:21 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2018 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
21:36 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
21:57 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
22:24 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
22:38 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
23:05 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2016 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
23:33 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
23:54 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
00:21 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
00:35 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
00:50 | Aristide Maillol: Quest for Harmony (Aristide Maillol. La quête de l'harmonie), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2022 "It's not quite nature, it's a statue. The feeling of greatness, I put it there. But it still makes work easier, when nature gives you almost everything." from Aristide Maillol. This quote perfectly sums up Maillol's artistic approach, his first ambitious figure, Méditerranée (1905), appears as the manifesto of the ""return to order"" of which he is a major actor in sculpture. This documentary film wants to tell the man and his art, this quest for perfection which will push him from painting to tapestry, from tapestry to sculpture, always with the ambition of revisiting an art." |
01:43 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
02:10 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
03:04 | Studio Design 5.5 (Studio Design 5.5), Prancūzija, 2017 Откройте для себя шведскую дизайн-студию! |
03:32 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
03:49 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
04:10 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 We invite you to enter three of the most famous museums in Munich. You will discover works by Raphael, Da Vinci, Bruegel, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Delacroix, Cézanne, Matisse, Picasso, Magritte & Warhol. |
05:05 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
05:32 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
05:47 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
06:02 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
06:29 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
06:43 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
07:04 | Art Contest (Art Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 The story follows an unusual outdoor contest in which 4 artists are challenged to produce a thematically appropriate work in only 45 minutes. Will they be able to create real art in such a short period of time? Join us and find out! |
07:58 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
08:13 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
08:40 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
08:55 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
09:49 | Museum Stories (Musée d'Art à (re)voir), Prancūzija, 2016 This series takes us on a journey through a diverse and eclectic collection of different museums in France. Each episode focuses on a specific museum and transports the viewer to various eras, covering a plethora of subject matter. |
10:17 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
10:31 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
10:52 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
11:19 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
11:34 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
12:02 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 Come and discover the most beautiful painting museums in the world. Whether they should be in Amsterdam, London, New York or St Petersburg, those museums are the shrine for some of the greatest works of art in the world, and are welcoming millions of visitors each year. |
12:56 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
13:10 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
13:38 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
13:59 | Art Contest (Art Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 The story follows an unusual outdoor contest in which 4 artists are challenged to produce a thematically appropriate work in only 45 minutes. Will they be able to create real art in such a short period of time? Join us and find out! |
14:55 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
15:10 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
15:25 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Raphael, Masis, Sophie and Claire reveal their best drawing techniques. Today, you will learn some techniques to draw water. |
15:52 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
16:20 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
17:13 | Firminy by Le Corbusier (Le Site Le Corbusier de Firminy), Prancūzija, 2017 Сайт Firminy представляет один из сильных идей Ле Корбюзье, слияния и сосуществования трех видов деятельности человека: культурной жизни и досуга, спорта и поклонения. Этот набор из четырех больших зданий, в том числе Дома культуры и молодежи, стадион, Unite d'Обители, Церковь Святого Петра является самым крупным в Европе и является одним из наиболее важных из двадцати и-из основных работ, которые построили Ле Корбюзье во Франции и по всему миру |
17:40 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
18:07 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2016 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
18:36 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 In this episode, we will meet André Perlstein, photographer for the Sygma agency. |
18:51 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
19:12 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
19:40 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
19:52 | Le Havre d'Auguste Perret: The Concrete City (Le Havre d'Auguste Perret: La ville béton), Prancūzija, 2017 Город Гавр в Нормандии подвергся сильным бомбардировкам во время Второй мировой войны. Разрушенную часть восстанавливали с 1945 по 1964 год по плану архитектурной группы, возглавляемой Огюстом Перре. На этой территории расположен административный, торговый и культурный центр Гавра. Гавр выделяется среди множества реконструированных городов единством и целостностью. Прежняя структура города и сохранившиеся исторические постройки сочетаются в нем с новыми идеями градостроительства и строительных технологий. Это выдающийся пример послевоенного городского планирования и архитектуры, основанный на единстве методологии и использовании сборных конструкций, систематическом применении модульной сетки и новаторском использовании бетона. |
20:19 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2017 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
20:34 | The Art of Japanese Garden (L'Art du jardin japonais), Apie gamtą, Prancūzija, 2017 MyZen TV. In Japan, gardening is an important and respected art. The Japanese garden seeks to interpret and idealize nature by limiting artifices. |
21:01 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
21:28 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 In this episode, we meet André Perlstein, the photographer behind the iconic portraits of stars. |
21:43 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
21:58 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 Come and discover the most beautiful painting museums in the world. Whether they should be in Amsterdam, London, New York or St Petersburg, those museums are the shrine for some of the greatest works of art in the world, and are welcoming millions of visitors each year. |
22:51 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
23:19 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
23:40 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2018 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
00:32 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
01:00 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
01:14 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
01:29 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Leader of the School of Pont-Aven, Paul Gauguin, the most exotic of French artists, paved the way for modern painting. There were two main themes which marked his work: Brittany and Tahiti. A rebel, he rejected copying reality in favour of exploring more delicate painting techniques. You will discover here the most important milestones in his work: from "Four Breton Girls" to "Tahitian Women on the Beach", by way of the surprising "Self Portrait with Yellow Christ". Enjoy your visit! |
01:50 | The Centquatre (Le Centquatre), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Willy Pierre-Jospeh is a professional dancer and he's too the organizer of the "training party" to cent quatre with Wynkl where improvisation and exchange between the dancer are a privilege moment. This free expression is too a precious moment we like to capture. Discover the "trainingparty" and the artistic world of Willy Pierre-Joseph, Noël Rasendrason. |
02:17 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
02:31 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
02:47 | Custom Revolution (Custom Revolution), Prancūzija, 2019 In this documentary, we take you on a tour of the world's first custom motorcycle exhibit. In the new and prestigious Peterson Museum in Los Angeles, the charismatic Paul d'Orleans, motorcycle historian, consultant for Bonham's and Sotheby's, gives us a private tour of the exhibition he curated. It is an exhibition where each motorcycle is unique and considered a work of art. |
03:14 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2020 Private Tour takes you to discover the exhibition "The Pushkin Museum: five hundred years of master drawings" at the Fondation Custodia in Paris. |
03:29 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2017 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
04:21 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
04:37 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
05:05 | Artist's Portrait (Portrait d'artiste), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2018 Родился 31 лет назад в Рубе, Квентин Carnaille Быстро Эст devenu имеет прочность на искусство Szene севере Франции. студент архитектуры Поезд, Carnaille всегда бывшие люди очарованы, как работают вещи. Его ранние работы были под влиянием заводных механизмов, он отвлекается от руки их использовать для создания украшений и аксессуаров. Тогда Ориентирован на реализацию скульптур и работы с Большим саамов и эстетического вдохновения. Современные и футуристические идеи повлияли его работа с самого начала, основана начальная ориентация ИКТ на прошлое и происхождение человечества. |
05:19 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
05:34 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
06:02 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
06:17 | Museum Stories (Musée d'Art à (re)voir), Prancūzija, 2019 This series takes us on a journey through a diverse and eclectic collection of different museums in France. Each episode focuses on a specific museum and transports the viewer to various eras, covering a plethora of subject matter. |
06:43 | The World's Greatest Painters (Les plus grands peintres du monde), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2021 The World's Greatest Painters is a documentary series featuring the masterpieces of great artists from around the world. Imerse yourself in your favourite work of art. |
07:36 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
07:57 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
08:12 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2018 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
08:27 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
08:48 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
09:15 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
09:29 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
09:56 | We are Artists not Vandals (We are Artists not Vandals), Prancūzija, 2016 French documentary series looking at Street Art and its Artists. |
10:24 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
10:45 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
11:12 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
11:27 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
11:41 | Aristide Maillol: Quest for Harmony (Aristide Maillol. La quête de l'harmonie), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2022 "It's not quite nature, it's a statue. The feeling of greatness, I put it there. But it still makes work easier, when nature gives you almost everything." from Aristide Maillol. This quote perfectly sums up Maillol's artistic approach, his first ambitious figure, Méditerranée (1905), appears as the manifesto of the ""return to order"" of which he is a major actor in sculpture. This documentary film wants to tell the man and his art, this quest for perfection which will push him from painting to tapestry, from tapestry to sculpture, always with the ambition of revisiting an art." |
12:34 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
13:02 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
13:56 | Studio Design 5.5 (Studio Design 5.5), Prancūzija, 2017 Откройте для себя шведскую дизайн-студию! |
14:23 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2015 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
14:40 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
15:01 | The World's Greatest Painting Museums (Les plus grands musées de peinture du monde), Prancūzija, 2021 We invite you to enter three of the most famous museums in Munich. You will discover works by Raphael, Da Vinci, Bruegel, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Delacroix, Cézanne, Matisse, Picasso, Magritte & Warhol. |
15:56 | Museum Tour (Museum Tour), Prancūzija, 2022 Museum Tour is a series that invites the viewer to discover unique which, for the artists chosen, have been incubators of creativity and a source of inspiration. Under their patronage, some of those sites have been turned into museums or foundations where their memory and work have picked up a life of their own. |
16:23 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
16:38 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |
16:53 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
17:21 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
17:35 | Within the Frame (Within The Frame), Prancūzija, 2013 Discover or re-discover the masterpieces of the greatest painters of history through our documentary series Within The Frame. From impressionists to surrealists, from Leonard Da Vinci to Paul Cézanne, every episode will immerge you into a virtual tour of a paintings collection. You will see the most impressive paintings ever made and won't miss a single detail. |
17:56 | Art Contest (Art Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 The story follows an unusual outdoor contest in which 4 artists are challenged to produce a thematically appropriate work in only 45 minutes. Will they be able to create real art in such a short period of time? Join us and find out! |
18:50 | The Decisive Moment (Instant Décisif), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2017 Documentary series looking at photography and photographers. |
19:04 | Sketchbook (Sketchbook), Prancūzija, 2017 Harry, Raphael, Luca and Marine reveal their best drawing techniques. |
19:31 | Artist's Workshop (Artist's Workshop), Prancūzija, 2016 Discover the workshop of an artist. |
19:46 | Photo Contest (Photo Contest), Prancūzija, 2017 Two photographers compete on an imposed theme. Agnès Grégoire, editor-in-chief of PHOTO magazine will then have to decide between them and designate the best of both. |
20:41 | Museum Stories (Musée d'Art à (re)voir), Prancūzija, 2016 This series takes us on a journey through a diverse and eclectic collection of different museums in France. Each episode focuses on a specific museum and transports the viewer to various eras, covering a plethora of subject matter. |
21:08 | Private Tour (Visite Privée), Biografinis, Prancūzija, 2019 For everyone who haven't a chance to go to the museum, ""Private Tour"" propose you a private tour in 13 minutes to the best exposition of the moment with a professionnal or an expository commissioner." |